De overdata-isering van het wielrennen: Nicolas Roche sprak

Ik las een mooi interview uit 2022 met oud-subtopper Nicolas Roche. Het staat op cyclingweekly. Niet van ‘vroeger was alles beter’, maar… ‘vroeger was het anders.’ En dan fijntjes wijzen op de nadelen van het wielrennen van nu.


Every generation every couple of years faces certain type of problems. Maybe in 10 years’ time it will be even worse because it’ll be something else, it’ll be more technology, more data, more anything. Look how many guys have monitors for sleep now. I’ve been to races with bad sleep and it didn’t affect my performances, now the guys, the data tells them they had one hour of not deep sleep and they go crazy. Like, already they’ve lost the race before it even started. I think sometimes when you have too much data, you also start to think too much.

“But it’s about adapting to what’s going on [in the situation or the time you find yourself in] and not just saying it’s good or it’s bad. It’s just that’s the way it is.”

Ontdek meer van Renzo Verwer, blogger/auteur

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